Sunday 12 March 2017

How To Minimize The Need For Housecleaning

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Housecleaning is often a tedious task. For one thing, it can be very frustrating and intimidating to have to take on hours worth of cleaning in […]

from Calgary Cleaning Services

Saturday 18 February 2017



For mоѕt kіdѕ, there’s nothing ԛuіtе like thе еnd of the school уеаr. Clаѕѕеѕ, hоmеwоrk, аnd аnу fоrmаl ѕсhеdulе are pretty muсh done, аnd thе bіggеѕt […]

from Calgary Cleaning Services

Monday 30 January 2017

Ten Important Spring Cleaning Tips To Not Overlook

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When spring comes, so does the ever-important spring cleaning, no matter how much you may dislike it. It’s something that always has to be done no […]

from Calgary Cleaning Services

Friday 20 January 2017

Simple & Effective Tips to a Pet-Friendly & Clean Home

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Pets fill our homes with love, but unfortunately also with odors. They provide companionship, but track muddy paw prints across the floors, invite unwanted parasites into […]

from Calgary Cleaning Services

Thursday 12 January 2017

Six Important Questions To Ask Any Maid Service

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In today’s world, it’s normal to become too busy to have time to clean our own homes. As a result, we often have to consider contacting […]

from Calgary Cleaning Services

Saturday 7 January 2017

Ten Most Common Cleaning Mistakes You’re Probably Making

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• Ignoring cleaning products stand time

For an effective and a lovely outcome, make it a habit to follow the stipulated standing time.

It will help you achieve results that are more rewarding.

• Using dust filled vacuum bag

Using a vacuum can be strenuous; especially when the vacuum bag is full. It tends to blow out the dirt instead of sucking it in. Regular emptying of the vacuum bag will make your cleaning experience more liberating.

• Extreme scrubbing

Immense scrubbing damages fabrics and surfaces. It also spreads the dirt to unseen areas. Practice temperate brushing for finest cleaning results.

• Excess use of cleaning products

Most people think that using excess detergent will make things cleaner. Glut detergent leaves stains on clothes and surfaces. It further doubles the time spend cleaning, as you have to do a double or a triple rinse.

• Using dirty rags to clean.

Whereas rags facilitate a decent wipe, using dirty dusters can be a catastrophe. They worsen the state at hand by making it murkier.

• Repeating wrong cleaning processes

Sticking to a wrong cleaning process for a long period without realizing can also cause havoc in your dynasty. Be sure to check if a certain process is fit before making it a routine.

• Starting from wrong angles and point

Just like any other progressions, cleaning needs to be done in an organized manner. It is sensible to start for the highest point downwards. This will guarantee complete cleanliness.

• Using wrong cleaning tools

Specific items demand particular cleaning tools. Thorough research will help you discover the appropriate cleaning tools for different items.

• Start by removing dust and sitting dirt

While cleaning surfaces make sure to start by wiping off dust and any sitting dirt. Shun from spraying any liquid on the surface before dusting. If you do this, you will exacerbate the condition and make it hard to achieve a satisfying outcome.

• Soak your dishes or use warm water

Avoid washing dirty dishes with running cold water, because even though cleaning with water is better, it will not only waste your time and energy but also consume much of your energy. Instead soaked dishes are easier to clean as tough stains come out effortlessly.

You can do this all yourself but why not employ a pro cleaning service to do it instead? Book our cleaning company today to come over to your place to make it brand spanking new.


from Calgary Cleaning Services

Monday 14 November 2016

How Water Is Truly Superior When It Comes To Cleaning

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Whenever the time comes to wash something, we always tend to use hot water to help get the job done. Why is that? Well, the answer is actually a mix of facts and myths, such as the following:

Myth: Hot Water Can Kill Germs

This is such a deep-rooted myth that it causes everyone to wash their hands in hot water. However, the myth is believable due to the fact that boiling water actually does kill germs, though humans themselves are unable to physically tolerate that kind of heat, whether they’re washing their hands or cleaning something. Even an extremely weak germ requires approximately 55 degrees Celsius for a full minute in order to be killed, which is far more than any amount of human skin can stand. Stronger germs, on the other hand, require temperatures higher than 90 degrees, which can cause very severe burns to human skin.

Fact: Hot Water Can Cut Through Grease

Both oil and grease are able to congeal into solids with a high bond, causing them to stick to all sorts of containers instead of floating on water. This is something that can be easily broken with hot water. 35 degrees is around the melting point for bacon fat, and it’s also cool enough for a human to put their hands in. Whenever fat is exposed to water at this temperature, it will melt, float, and wash away.

Myth: Hot Water Can Lift Up Dirt

Lifting up dirt is something that can be done by soap, essential oil, and many fat-based cleaners – not hot water. The molecules of the cleaner actually surround the dirt particles, bonding with them and separating them from dirt and other various surfaces. Afterward, they can be either wiped or washed away. Water of any temperature will not be able to do this.

Fact: Hot Water is a Great Solvent

Whenever water is heated, the molecules move much more quickly and bounce off of one another. As a result, this creates more space that can be filled with dissolved solvents, meaning that hot water can dissolve materials faster than cold water. Furthermore, hot water can transfer heat to anything that it touches. For instance, hot water that is mixed with soap can provide you with hot soap and can lift dirt much easier.

Check out our previous article about a good cleaning mantra if you’re interested in reading more!


from Calgary Cleaning Services